The Reference Hub is now open to:

Welcome neighbors to The Bridge, and

Provide “warm handoffs“ for neighbors to (and between) Bridge Partners (on and off-site).

Reference Hub Business Hours

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12 PM to 3 PM

Saturdays from 9 AM to 11 AM

Reference Hub Phone Number

(720) 239-7242

Non-Discrimination Policy: The Bridge serves individuals regardless of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, or ancestry, and does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national origin, or ancestry.

Updates on The Bridge

Our goal is to raise $1.5 million by the end of 2023

For the body of believers at Revive Church: faith in action where compassionate, merciful, loving people are a source of reviving hope to the vulnerable right where we are – for love’s sake

The Bridge seeks:

  • The peace and prosperity of our city
  • To revive people and places 
  • Excellent businesses and organizations designed to thrive
  • To serve economically, relationally or spiritually vulnerable people

The Bridge Ecosystem

Interested in becoming a Missional Partner?

If you are interested in having a space for your business at The Bridge, let’s talk!

Projects in 2022

We have several major projects taking place in 2022. We are redesigning our Next Gen spaces as we move all Revive Church ministry space under one roof. We are also reviving the exterior of the shopping center to address deferred maintenance and make significant improvements to the curb appeal of the center.

Both of these projects make necessary improvements needed to our space that is our first step to invite missional partners to The Bridge. These improvements will also create more relational space across the campus.

The Bridge Values

RELATIONSHIPS that are healthy, authentic and deeply rooted 

FAITH that is bold, abundance-minded, expectant, and dependent on God’s provision

REVIVAL that brings dead things to life, restores and reconciles

HOSPITALITY that anticipates others’ needs and desires, and prepares a place of honor for them

EXCELLENCE that resists the routine and equips people and partners to transcend expectations

MEANINGFUL WORK that is holy, meets economic needs and participates in redemption

CONNECTION that bridges socio-economic, generational and racial divides