Identity and Opportunity
Hi Revive Women!
It was such a gift gathering with so many of you for our last Revive Women’s Night. I was in awe as I saw the body of Christ come together to listen, love, and pray with and for one another. To see you all in action, playing different indispensable parts, was powerful. I am grateful to God for each one of you! For those of you who couldn’t be there, know that you were missed. There are also more opportunities to gather with your sisters down below!
I have been reflecting recently on the brilliant love of God. The heart of the Father and His redemptive plan for humanity gives equal value to every human life (Acts 10:34-35). He knew in advance we would struggle with this concept, and God’s Word reveals His passion for His dearly loved children (Col. 3:12), each and every single one of us. I pray this is a place where you feel valued and seen for who you are: a chosen daughter of the King, clothed in His righteousness and who has been given authority and power to display the glory of God and make an eternal impact for the Kingdom this side of Heaven. I am cheering you on, sister!
Let’s live in this identity and calling together! There are several opportunities for you:
NEW Single Women’s Small Group meeting every Wednesday! This is a group for single women of all ages. If you would like more information, you can contact Sharon Rowlen at
Women’s Prayer takes place every Monday from 1-3 pm in the meeting space. No reservation needed, just come! If you have questions, you can email Marina Aupperlee at
NEW Tuesday morning Bible study starting March 7th in the meeting space from 9:30 -11:30 AM. This will be a study through the book of Acts. If you are interested, you can email Barb Hanson at
Next, save the date for for April 29th when we will have a women’s afternoon tea together! This will take place from 3-5 PM in the new Student Center. More details for this will be coming soon!
Ladies Hikes will be happening again this summer! Save the dates for May 27, June 24, and July 22.
As a Women’s Ministry Team, we pray that each woman here feels connected to their sisters and that we all have opportunities to use the gifts God has given us. If any of you desire more connection or feel that you have gifts you would like to use but aren’t sure where or how to use them, please don’t hesitate to respond to this email. We would love to support you!
It’s an honor to grow with you!
In Him,
Mary Mikucki
For the Revive Women’s Team