Happy February Ladies!
Connecting with one another and deepening our relationship with Lord is something that I desire for each of us.
I will be starting a new rhythm of sending out a monthly newsletter that provides information that will help us do this, I will share about gathering opportunities for you that month and invite you to pray with me strategically.
My hope and prayer for us is that together we seek to know God more, develop deep bonds, and live surrendered and courageous lives for His glory and renown!
I am so excited about what God has for us together this year! With a new year I have some new information I would love to pass along to you all.
Over the last year and a half, Hannah Beach and I have had the opportunity to lead this amazing ministry together. Going forward, Hannah has decided to step back in Women’s Ministry to be able to pursue other ministry passions God is calling her to.
I love Hannah, and I am so excited for what God has planned next for her! In January, I had the opportunity to join Revive Church staff part-time as the Women’s Director. I am so honored to do this. We have such an incredible group of women here at Revive and it is a joy and privilege to serve you!
This month, save the date for another wonderful Revive Women’s Night on Tuesday, February 21st from 6:30 PM – 8 PM in the main sanctuary at church.
This is going to be an incredible night of worship, prayer, and we are going to hear from several of our women about God’s transforming power. I invite you to come and see what God might have in store for you that night. Invite your friends! All are welcome and wanted!
Save the date for March 4th, when Revive will be hosting Warrior Princess for the 2nd time.
This will be a very interactive day and will help you break free from anything that might be holding you back from walking fully in your God-given calling.
I invite you to begin praying about if this day is for you! For more information and to register please click here: deedeewoodmanlpc.com/intensives
I am looking forward to what God has for all of us together this year!
Praying for you!
Mary Mikucki – for the Revive Women’s Team