Our mission
Live and Love Like Jesus, Right
Where You Are

At Revive Church, our mission is simple: to live and love like Jesus, right where you are. We believe that following Jesus isn’t just something for Sundays—it’s meant to be lived out every day, in our homes, workplaces, and communities. Our calling is to bring revival to Arvada by living out faith in practical ways that make a real impact on people’s lives.
We’re here to help people experience the love of Jesus and to equip them to share that love with others. Whether it’s through worship, serving, or connecting in small groups, our mission drives everything we do.

Our Values
At Revive Church, we believe in the power of living and loving like Jesus, right where you are.
Our story began in 1988 with a simple but profound goal: to reach and love the people of Northwest Arvada. Over the years, we’ve grown and transformed, but our mission has always stayed the same—making an impact in the community we’re blessed to be part of.
Grace & Truth
We are worse than we think but more loved than we can imagine. The gospel tells us the truth and provides the solution.
We celebrate the ways that we have received God’s grace, and the fact God loves us enough to tell us the truth about ourselves. We seek to extend grace and truth to others -We know that pursuing the highest good in ourselves and others means that we be both grace-filled and truth-filled.
We want to be the type of Christian community where we extend the grace we have received as we love people enough to tell them the truth.
John 1:14-17
Healing Not Hiding
We refuse to give shame the last word. We will not cover up our brokenness; we heal together.
Our natural human response to shame is to hide—we hide from each other and hide from God
Hiding keeps us from healing. We seek to be a compassionate, courageous community; a community in which we support each other as we choose healing over hiding. We support each other as we ask God to grow, change and heal us.
Genesis 3:8
Calling Over Comfort
We are not spectators watching the game; We are active participants living out God’s mission right where we are.
God made us and God calls each one of us. We are called to love and worship God, and to point others to God as we live and love like Jesus right where we are. We believe that God also calls us individually.
God has designed each one of us to do good in our world according to our gifts and calling. We are a church that is committed to helping each other discover and become the people God has called each of us to be!
Ephesians 2:10
Word & Spirit
We are committed to living out God’s Word through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
We are a church that holds the Bible, the Word of God, in the highest regard. It is our primary source of truth
2 Timothy 3:16-17
At the same time, we recognize that we need the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our lives so that we can obey God’s Word. Jesus told his followers that they would receive the Holy Spirit and that the Spirit would guide you into all the truth
John 16:13
99 for 1
We are dedicated to seeking out and restoring those who feel farthest from God. We rejoice with heaven when one sinner repents and turns to Jesus.
Jesus was known for hanging out with those who were not religious, who felt far from God, and those whom other people saw as “sinners.” Rather than rejecting them, Jesus sought them out and spent time with them.
We know that God views us this way and we see ourselves as God’s “search and rescue team.” We join Jesus in his mission to seek and save those who have lost their connection with God.
Luke 15:6
The 7 Marks of a Jesus Follower
The are qualities of a person who is committed to living and loving like Jesus. These are characteristics we can both live now and pursue for a lifetime as we grow to be more like Jesus.
share your story
Share Your Story
Who is your 1 person?
- Pray: Pray for empathy and compassion toward those who need the Good News and pray for specific people—for their wellbeing and that they be open to the gospel.
- Care: We love our neighbors because that’s God’s desire for us. When we care, that eventually gives us a platform to share. Lead such a good life that people ask questions!
- Share: Be ready, willing, and able to share your story of faith (life before Jesus, how you met Jesus, life after Jesus) and the essentials of the gospel message. For help with that, see here.
live free
Life Free
What is slowing you down?
- Confess sin appropriately and consistently. In 1 John 1:9, we read, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
- Throw off hindrances and sin. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, in part, “…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” We learn to set aside those things that can hinder our relationship with God.
- Live in Freedom and Forgiveness. Jesus-followers are called to be free from sin and hindrances so that we are free for the better life God has for us. One way to describe that is “personal holiness,” the idea that our lives are set apart, or “consecrated,” for God.
keep in step
Keep In Step
How are you sensitive to the Holy Spirit?
- Know and grow in the “fruit of the Spirit.” One of the most immediate things the Holy Spirit does in us is to transform our character so that we become more like Jesus, The “fruit of the Spirit” describe the virtues that we take on in that process (Galatians 5:22-23).
- Set your mind on the Spirit. Scripture urges us to intentionally “set our minds on the Spirit,” (Rom 8:5-6) so that we focus on a godly life rather than sinful desires.
- Learn to follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit may remind us that God loves us, convict us of sin, empower us to share the gospel, enable us to serve others and the church and help us through tough times. The Spirit may also prompt us to do or say particular things, so we learn to perceive and follow those promptings.
play your part
Play Your Part
“Where am I contributing?”
- Find ways to serve and give. Jesus modeled serving and giving to others. This is an essential way to follow in his footsteps.
- Discover your gifts and calling. Together we all form the “Body of Christ,” each one of us having our part to play. Discovering our gifts and understanding the ways God is calling each of us to serve is a normal part of following Jesus.
- Live and serve generously. As we mature in both serving and giving, we become like Jesus as we live lives characterized by generosity—giving enthusiastically of our time, our abilities and our material resources.
walk in the word
Walk In The Word
What passage is stuck in your head?
- Study the Bible with others. We learn how to study the Bible by studying with others—that is how we can gain knowledge and skills.
- Study the Bible individually. We want to read the Bible devotionally and study it systematically.
- Lead a life guided by the Bible. Mature followers know the Bible so well that it informs how they live. God speaks to both our hearts and minds so that we live according the wisdom that pours out of Scripture into our lives.
pray without ceasing
Pray Without Ceasing
What are you talking to God about?
- Learn to pray. We start by learning to pray. There are many ways to pray—for some suggestions, see this link. [Prayer exercise document]
- Experience the power of prayer. We pray “Kingdom-focused” prayers, asking God to do what God wants to do in the world around us. This kind of prayer aligns us with God’s will. We also pray “fellowship-focused” prayers that draw us closer to God through confession, thanksgiving and praying with Scripture.
- Pray regularly and expectantly. People pray differently and for different reasons, but one thing mature Jesus-followers have in common is that they pray regularly and with the expectation that God will respond.
Stand in awe
Stand In Awe
What is causing you to stop and worship?
- Engage in corporate worship. We learn to worship by worshipping with others.
- See God everywhere. Worship is more than going to church. Certain times, places and cues can remind us to turn to God in worship throughout our days, weeks and lives.
- Respond in a lifestyle of worship. Our exaltation leads to imitation of God’s character and our adoration spurs action that honors God.

Join Us in Living Out Our Mission
We invite you to join us as we live and love like Jesus in our everyday lives.